Tailoring Biotechnologies
Volume 4
Volume 4, Issue 1/2 (Fall 2008): Society, Values and Technology
Editorial: Critical Theory of Technology and Theoretical Critiques - Guido Ruivenkamp and Joost Jongerden
Life, Technique and Event - Matteo Negro
Genetics and Practices of Food, Families, Insurance and Health Care: From Impact towards Co-Construction - Klasien Horstman, Erik Aarden, Els Geelen, Ine Van Hoyweghen, Bart Penders & Rein Vos
Beyond the Precautionary Principle in Progressive Politics: Toward the Social Regulation of Genetically Modified Organisms - Daniel Lee Kleinman, Jason A. Delborne, & Robyn Autry
A Stakeholder Approach to Investigating Public Perception and Attitudes towards Agricultural Biotechnology in Ghana - Robert M. Yawson, Wilhelmina Quaye, Irene Entsi Williams & Ivy Yawson
Local Perceptions on Empowerment and Development in a Remote Village of Chiapas, Mexico - Francisco Guevara-Hernandez, Rene Pinto-Ruiz, Heriberto Gomez-Castro & Francisco J. Medina-Jonapa