Tailoring Biotechnologies
Volume 2
Volume 2, Issue 1 (Spring-Summer 2006): Rejection, Resistance and Redesign
Editorial: From Rejection and Resistance towards Redesign - Guido Ruivenkamp and Joost Jongerden
A Politics of the Present: Negri's Contribution to the Critique of Power - Arianna Bove and Erik Empson
Participatory Genomics in Quinoa - Pim Lindhout and Daniel Danial
Tailoring Biotechnology in Ghana: Implications for Genomics Development - Godfred Frempong
Luddites, or the Politics in Technology - An Introduction - Joost Jongerden
The Achievements of 'General Ludd': A Brief History of the Luddites - Kirkpatrick Sale
Genetically Modified Crops for a Hungry World: How Useful are they Really? - Peter M. Rosset
The Urban Village: Territorialization of Sustainable Development - Joost Jongerden
Volume 2, Issue 2 (Summer-Fall 2006): Commons, Bits and Genes
Editorial: The Becoming Common of Bits and Genes - Guido Ruivenkamp and Joost Jongerden
From Biopower to Biopolitics - Maurizio Lazzarato
Electronic Networks, Power, and Democracy - Sasikia Sassen
Common Genomes: Open Source in Biotechnology and the Return of Common Property - Eric Diebel
Agroecological Technologies and Opportunities for Endogenous Milk Production in Land-reform Settlements in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil - Flora Bonazzi Piasentin and Guido Ruivenkamp
The Social Construction of Genetic Identities: A Research Note - Herman van Wietmarschen, Joost Jonderden and Guido Ruivenkamp
Book Review: Not from Heaven, Not in the Genes - Joost Jongerden
Volume 2, Issue 3 (Winter 2006/07): Policies, Doctrines and Trajectories
Editorial: Breaking through Doctorines - Guido Ruivenkamp and Joost Jongerden
Regional GM Opposition as Multilevel Challenge? - Franz Seifert
Biotechnologies, Alimentary Fears and the Orthorexic Society - Guido Nicolosi
Breeding Strategy for Mixed Production Systems in Sub-Saharan Africa - Prem Bindraban, Niels Louwaars, Huub Loffler, Theo Van Hintum, and Rudy Rabbinge
Plant Breeder's Rights, Room for Maneuver? - Steve Hughes and Eric Deibel
Paradigms of Genetic Engineering Among Australian Scientists - Janet Grice and Geoffrey Lawrence
India's Endeavors in Biotechnology: A Policy Overview - A.S. Ninawe