Tailoring Biotechnologies

Volume 1

Volume 1, Issue 1 (Spring-Summer 2005): Potentialities, Actualities and Spaces

Editorial: Critical Theory of Technology and Theoretical Critiques - Guido Ruivenkamp and Joost Jongerden

Tailor-made Biotechnologies: Between Bio-Power and Sub-Politics - Guido Ruivenkamp 

Navigating Genomes: The Space in Which Genes Happen - Steve Hughes 

Critical Theory of Technology: An Overview - Andrew Feenberg

Globalization and Development Research: Some Contentious Issues - Frans J. Schuurman

Local Self-Sustainable Development: Subjects of Transformation - Alberto Magnaghi

Governmentalization of R&D: Tailoring Coffee Biotechnology in India - A. Damodaran

Genomics for the Poor: An Analysis of the Constraints and Possibilities for Social Choices in Genomics for Developing Countries - Joseph M. Wekundah

Volume 1, Issue 2 (Winter 2005/2006): Networks, Practices, and Paradigms

Editorial: The Social Space and Conceptual Frameworks in which Biotechnology Operates - Guido Ruivenkamp and Joost Jongerden

Biologies, Agricultures, Biotechnologies - Marcello Buiatti

Food Consumption in the Genomics Era: A Foucauldian Perspective - Hub Zwart

Development Cooperation: A Hindrance for Self-Sustainable Development - Lou Keune

Agriculture, Food and Design: New Food Networks for a Distributed Economy - Ezio Manzini

A Critical Observation on the Mainstream Discourse of Biotechnology for the Poor - Shuji Hisano

Tailoring Production Technology: Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) for Localized Production - P.S. Vimala Devi and M.L.N. Rao

Biotechnology Industry in the USA: Convergence of Scientific, Financial and Legal Practices- Terry C. Bradford -
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